Join us

Membership is open to all those interested in supporting the aims of the Society, and by joining you will become part of a group committed to positively influencing all that is good for Cheltenham.

As a member you will receive:

  • regular newsletters informing you of planning issues, events and interesting articles
  • talks and debates at Parmoor, the Society’s headquarters in Cambray Place
  • special lectures with interesting speakers and topics
  • visits to buildings and places of interest
  • Civic Awards presentation
  • the annual AGM and members open forum

We charge only £20 for individual membership and £28 for joint membership (at the same address). Your annual subscription helps to fund our lecture programme, newsletters and other activities. Membership for students is free.

To join Cheltenham Civic Society

There are two ways to join – the easiest and quickest way is to complete the online form on this page.

If using this online form, clicking ‘Submit’ will send your completed application form to our Membership Secretary, who will then email you to acknowledge receipt and ask for payment via annual standing order (preferred), PayPal, credit card or cheque.

Please note that you will need to provide a valid email address for this form to be processed.

The second way is to download and print out the PDF application form and email a scan or photo of your completed form to our Membership Secretary, via

Membership application form

Fields marked with a * are mandatory

Membership Category
Select an option
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Please enter a valid email address.
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Please enter a valid email address.
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Students only
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To prove you are human, please answer this sum. 19 + 13 = ?
Enter the equation result to proceed

Fields marked with a * are mandatory

Gift membership

If you would like to make a gift of membership, please complete the form in this section and click the Submit button to send it to us. The first part is for details of the new member/members you wish to enrol; the second part is for your own details. You do not need to be a member yourself to use this form.

Gift membership may be purchased as individual or joint. Joint members must reside at the same address.

If using the adjacent online form, clicking ‘Submit’ will send your completed application form to our Membership Secretary, who will then email you to acknowledge receipt and ask for payment via annual standing order (preferred), PayPal, credit card or cheque.

Please note that you will need to provide a valid email address for this form to be processed.