ENCOURAGING high standards of design and execution for buildings and public spaces


Cheltenham Civic Society

Cheltenham Civic Society is an active network of citizens that promotes civic pride in our town.

We aim to encourage:

  • high standards of design and execution for buildings and public spaces
  • conservation of the town’s heritage
  • discussion and understanding of our urban environment

We do this by identifying concerns, developing ideas and galvanising the community to help make the town more distinctive, attractive and enjoyable.

A full explanation of Our Planning Principles can be downloaded from our Downloads page.

As a non-profit registered charity, the Society is non-political and is funded by our members. The Society also acts as a formal consultee to the local planning authority.

Blue and Green Plaques maps

The Civic Society’s Plaques Officer, Mike Rigby, has created two online Google maps featuring all of the Society’s blue and green plaques that respectively celebrate many of Cheltenham’s most notable people plus places and historic events. We think these maps will provide a great resource for anyone wishing to plan interesting and educational walks to discover and learn more about the history of the town.

Click Blue Plaques Map to visit all of the blue plaques – from Bomber Harris to Rolling Stone, Brian Jones!

Click Green Plaques Map to see what events and places are celebrated by all of our green plaques.

If you spot any glitches that need correction, please email Mike on blueplaques@cheltcivicsoc.org  For further information about our plaques, please also visit our Commemorative Plaques page.

In this website …

… you will find a wealth of information ranging from news of our current activities to accounts of some of our many achievements, archives of our minutes and newsletters, and records of commemorative plaques and civic awards.

Please explore, learn and enjoy!

Our latest news

Report Cheltenham ‘Grot spots’ here

Tarmac cowpats litter our streets.The Society’s Successful Streets Group has created an easy way to report problems to us online.

Tell us about the problems you spot on our streets – anything from general ‘grot spots’ to roads, pavements, infills, abandoned signs, bins, empty shop fronts, etc. Please add a photo to make the problem easier to identify.

We’ll then put the issue in front of Cheltenham Borough Council or Gloucestershire County Council (whichever is relevant) and regularly follow up their progress with sorting the problems out.