About us

What we are

Cheltenham Civic Society is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), No. 1166580, registered with the Charity Commission. The Society operates in accordance with the provisions of the Charities Act 2011. Its charitable objects include the promoting of high standards of planning and architecture locally; the preservation, protection, development and care of features of historic or public interest; and educating the public on such topics. This is set out in more detail in the Society’s constitution, which can be downloaded here.

How we are managed

The Society is managed by up to 12 Trustees, elected by members and operating as an executive committee, who hold office for terms governed by the constitution. The current Chair is Andrew Booton.

Recent minutes of Executive Committee meetings can be found on the Trustees page and earlier minutes are held on the AGM and Trustees Minutes archive page.

Key Contacts

Andrew Booton, Chair – chair@cheltcivicsoc.org

Hugh Curran, Membership Secretary – membership@cheltcivicsoc.org

Hugh is also, Chair of the Successful Streets Group – ssg@cheltcivicsoc.org

Steve Bryson, Communications Co-ordinator & Newsletter Editor – comms@cheltcivicsoc.org

What we do

With the active voluntary support of its members Cheltenham Civic Society:

  • campaigns on issues affecting the town’s vitality and the quality of its environment
  • comments on significant planning applications and the Local Plan
  • manages the Civic Awards scheme
  • organises Heritage Open Days and Civic Day
  • erects blue plaques to celebrate famous Cheltonians and green plaques to commemorate historic events
  • promotes positive projects such as the restoration of the Montpellier Bandstand
  • arranges an ongoing programme of talks and visits
  • publishes a quarterly newsletter, OurTown, as well as an occasional news sheet called Making A Difference

Contact us

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