
Civic Society strongly objects to both of 131’s plans

The Civic Society’s Planning Principles

Town centre paving – Civic Society welcomes County Council’s response

Circumspice 16: answer to mini-quiz item in the autumn edition of OurTown

New museum for Cheltenham’s WWI battlefield crosses opens

Circumspice 15: answer to mini-quiz item in the summer edition of OurTown

85.5% support rate for Civic Society’s idea for the redevelopment of CavHouse

Highest ever number of events to be featured in this year’s Heritage Open Days festival – 6-15 September

Strong objection to Winchcombe Street development scheme submitted by Cheltenham Civic Society

Sad news about Peter Sayers

Both 2023 Civic and ‘UnCivic’ Awards announced

Unmissable opportunity to create a real centre for Cheltenham

Circumspice 14: answer to mini-quiz item in the spring edition of OurTown

Permanent exhibition of Cheltenham’s WWI battlefield crosses gets the go-ahead

Civic Society opposes Black & White site plans