The story of the crosses, their conservation and the museum
1,297 men and women from Cheltenham were killed in the Great War (WWI). Following soldiers’ deaths on the battlefields, they were generally buried in shallow graves close to where they fell and these were often marked by their comrades fashioning crude wooden crosses made from whatever materials came to hand. Following the war, the Imperial War Graves Commission (now the Commonwealth War Graves Commission) exhumed the bodies and reburied them with new headstones marking each grave in some 2,400 cemeteries close to the battlefields of France and Belgium.
The original wooden crosses were then sent home to the soldiers’ next of kin. Many families were not sure what to do with the crosses. But in Cheltenham, the Council created a corner of the Bouncers Lane cemetery to house them and, eventually, ‘Soldiers Corner’ became home to 230 crosses.
Out in the open for the next 100 years, the crosses took the brunt of the weather and most of them simply disintegrated as a result of long-term environmental, physical and biological damage.
In 2018, CCS member, Freddie Gick, became concerned by the poor state of the remaining Battlefield Crosses – 22 individual crosses and one other cross that in total commemorate 31 soldiers. So he then instigated a campaign to have the crosses conserved and then housed in a permanent exhibition.
In the name of Cheltenham Civic Society (CCS), he sought funding and was granted £9,800 by The National Lottery Heritage Fund to have the crosses conserved by Artefacts Conservation Services. Working with local historians, principally Neela Mann, the Society involved the students of Pittville School in researching the lives of the soldiers that the individual crosses commemorated.
The investigations by the students of Pittville School brought the soldiers’ stories to life and provided much of the content of a booklet about the project that can be downloaded from the CCS website. This booklet also tells how the crosses were conserved by Artefacts Conservation Services.
Following the research and conservation stages of the project, progress was brought to a halt in early 2020 by the Covid-19 pandemic and the crosses were put into storage at the cemetery. After the pandemic, Cheltenham Borough Council identified a former gravediggers’ hut in the cemetery, which would be suitable for conversion into a small museum to permanently exhibit the crosses. CCS then planned the exhibition, raised the funds and organised all the work to create this unique, dedicated museum for the UK’s largest collection of WWI Battlefield Crosses.