Following five years of campaigning about the detrioriating state of town centre paving, Cheltenham Civic Society submitted a Section 56 (of the Highways Act 1980) notice to Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) as the first step in a legal enforcment action to get the council to accept its responsibilities and begin a programme of street works to bring the paving back up to scratch. Here is our statement welcoming GCC’s positive responce to our Section 56 notice.

Cheltenham Civic Society Chair Andrew Booton commented: “Cheltenham Civic Society welcomes Gloucestershire County Council’s constructive and prompt response to our Section 56 notice, and their evident determination to address the problems quickly and fully.
“The Promenade is one of Cheltenham’s most prestigious streets. It acts as a social and economic barometer for the town, so its degradation in recent years has been an embarrassment.
“We look forward to its beautiful York stone paving being properly reinstated and its former glory being restored and protected from future damage.”