What we do
Cheltenham Civic Society is an independent charitable organisation whose aim is to protect and maintain the special architectural qualities of Cheltenham and its environment, and to encourage good design in new developments.
With the active voluntary support of its members it:
- campaigns on issues affecting the town’s vitality and the quality of its environment
- comments on significant planning applications and the Local Plan
- manages the Civic Awards scheme
- organises Heritage Open Days and Civic Day
- erects blue plaques to celebrate famous Cheltonians and green plaques to commemorate historic events
- promotes positive projects such as the restoration of the Montpellier Bandstand
- arranges an ongoing programme of talks and visits
- publishes a quarterly newsletter, OurTown, as well as an occasional news sheet called Making A Difference
Key Contacts
Andrew Booton, Chair – chair@cheltcivicsoc.org
Peter Sayers, Vice Chair – vicechair@cheltcivicsoc.org
Hugh Curran, Membership Secretary – membership@cheltcivicsoc.org
Hugh is also, Chair of the Successful Streets Group – ssg@cheltcivicsoc.org
Steve Bryson, Communications Co-ordinator & Newsletter Editor – comms@cheltcivicsoc.org
Parmoor, 26 Cambray Place, Cheltenham GL50 1JN