Planning Committee approves Civic Society’s plans for ‘Cambray Riverside’
The Civic Society’s plans for Cambray Riverside, designed to create a mini-park between Cambray Court and the Rodney Road Car Park, were approved by the Council’s Planning Committee on 15 December. The matter went to a vote and the plans were supported by 7 votes against 3.
The Society’s Planning Forum Chair, Adrian Phillips, made the case for the scheme in his three-minute introduction and this was strongly supported by Cllr Paul Baker. (Cllr Baker is the chair of the committee but he stood down on this occasion because of his support for the Civic Society’s plans).
Since planning approval was given, the Society had been in touch with leading members of the Council to consider how the ideas we have developed might be put into practice. Without a strong leadership role by CBC nothing can happen, but – as Adrian Phillips said in his opening statement – “We hope you are up for the challenge – if you are, we’ll support you all the way”.