Having been prevented from holding an Annual General Meeting (AGM) last year due to Covid, Cheltenham Civic Society held its AGM this year on Wednesday 17th March at 7.30pm using Zoom for the first time.
About 35 members participated in the meeting. Formal business included the election as Trustees of Mike Richardson, Tess Beck, Steve Bryson, Hugh Curran, and Sarah Harvey for 3-year terms. Mike Richardson was appointed as the new Honorary Secretary, with Hugh Curran stepping into the Membership Secretary role. Andrew Booton, Peter Sayers and Claire Attenborough continued as Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer respectively.
Thanks were recorded for Andrew North and Richard de Carteret, who stepped down from the respective Honorary Secretary and Membership Secretary roles, and for Nick Symondson, who stepped down as a Trustee.
Other formal business included the approval of the Society’s statement of accounts for 2020 and the Chair’s annual report on the Society’s activities.
The meeting concluded with a general discussion of a variety of issues affecting the health of the town and a number of proposals for the Society to focus its activities on for the year ahead.